5 “must” to do in Cartago

Cartago is a province located on east side of San José, it has lot of activities to do with family, friends even by yourself. There is 5 must taht we recommend you:


You must have to visit this volcano if you going ti be in Cartago. Is the higher volcano in Costa Rica, with 3400mts above sea level, beautiful and fresh views surounded by nature. On the way to the volcano you will se and agricultura and livestock farmers. The weather is cold, so because of the fou must stope in some ofte cafes of the zone to drink an “agua dulce” and tortilla with cheese.


If you have a free dar, pack sándwiches and snacks and go to enjoy the vegeatation that this place give to us. Only 15km from Hotel El Guarco, you can get there driving or by bus. You can scape from the city rush and connect with the nature, do some hiking, enjoy the silence and the peace that this place give to you. At the same time you can go to Duran Sanatory is a property with and old building open to everybody Was build many years ago for people with TB illnesso it was destroyed by the Irazú volcano eruption in 1973.

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Types of coffee You can find in Cartago

Tobosi Coffee: This kind of coffee is cultivated in 1450 meters high above sea level, it bellows to Tarrazú zone and is denominated Central Valley. The harvests goes from august to february, the paleate entry is dry and soft, médium body with notes of toasted, lemon acidity . Hacienda Tobosi is one of the companies that produce that kind of coffee in Cartago.

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3 decoration trends for your wedings

1. Lights and candles: Its on trend and the same time add value detail for your wedding, it doesnt matter the size of the candle, ori f them have semell, but it gives and intimate and original ambience.

2. Different kind of chairs: Why do not take a risk? Is in trend thah the chairs of the wedding be a diferente from each other. It going to give you a different touch to your wedding.

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5 Recomendations of our restaurant

Here is 5 of our favourite dishes:

1. Crema de plátano: para los amantes del plátano maduro y de la combinación de dulce con salado, esta es una muy buena opción, es preparada con plátano maduro y crujiente tocino asado. Un entrada para un buen comienzo.

2. Mejillones: para los amantes de los mariscos esta opción es deliciosa, son mejillones frescos preparados de tres formas: al vino, al ajillo o al pomodoro, después de terminarse este plato, quedarás con ganas de más.

3. Gordon Blue: si se inclina mas por los platos de aves, esta opción es la que le recomendamos. 250 gramos de pechuga jugosa, rellena de jamón, queso fresco y espinacas. Un sabor exquisito que deleitará su paladar.

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